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Customize your library's chat tab

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Below are steps to customize your library's out of the box chat tab to make it more visible and inviting.

Default appearance

Default online appearance (note: your library's may be a different color):

Default offline appearance:

If your library would like to customize the main default color and/or wording that displays on your library's chat tab, please contact the Admin Centre and we will ask LibraryH3lp to implement this change. Additional enhancements are shared below.

Access your library's chat tab snippet

To access the code to embed your library's chat tab, see the FAQ "Access your library's chat snippet."

~ ~ ~

Below, you'll find steps for making a number of changes to your library's chat tab to customize both its offline and online appearance. Local coordinators can make these changes themselves in the LibraryH3lp Dashboard or if you'd like assistance, the AskAway Admin Centre is always happy to help!

Offline message background color

When the service is offline and a user hovers over the chat tab, it will display the AskAway offline message. Currently, the default chat tab displays a message against a transparent background, so this will need to be changed to white so that it does not overlap with text on the library website.

Follow the steps below to make this change OR contact the AskAway Admin Centre and we can make this change for you:

1. Log into the LibraryH3lp Dashboard with your library's admin account

2. Navigate to the Chat Snippets area (< > on left side) and select your library's chat tab snippet from the list 

3. Click "Edit" to edit the chat tab snippet (note: the example below is for the AskAway practice tab)

4. Navigate to the section "What guests will see when your service is unavailable" to edit the Offline appearance

5. Under #lh3-askaway-hours, add the following code:

  • background-color: #fff;
    • This will change the background color of the offline message to white

6. Click "Save" or "Apply" to save the changes

7. Test the chat tab when the service is offline to make sure the message displays as expected

Color change on hover-over

To make the chat tab appear clickable, you can change the color on hover-over.

Follow the steps below to make this change OR contact the AskAway Admin Centre and we can make this change for you:

1. Log into the LibraryH3lp Dashboard with your library's admin account

2. Navigate to the Chat Snippets area (< > on left side) and select your library's chat tab snippet from the list 

3. Click "Edit" to edit the chat tab snippet (note: the example below is for the AskAway practice tab)

4. Navigate to the section "What guests will see when your service is unavailable" (the edit below will change the color for both the offline and online appearance)

5. Under #lh3-askaway-hours, add the following code: 

  • .libraryh3lp a:hover {
       background: rgba(29,103,134, 1);
    •  Note: you can change the rgba values to match your desired hover-over color

6. You may also wish to update the color of the offline message border to match the hover-over color for consistency:

  • under #lh3-askaway-hours {, update the border color to match the color of your library's chat tab
    • In the example below, the color is #1D6786

  • under #lh3-askaway-hours:after {, update the border-top to match the border color (e.g. #1D6786;)

7. Click "Save" or "Apply" to save the changes

8. Test the chat tab when the service is both offline and online to make sure all the changes display as expected


Movement on hover-over

You can also add pop-up movement when a user hovers-over the tab.

Follow the steps below to make this change OR contact the AskAway Admin Centre and we can make this change for you:

1. Log into the LibraryH3lp Dashboard with your library's admin account

2. Navigate to the Chat Snippets area (< > on left side) and select your library's chat tab snippet from the list 

3. Click "Edit" to edit the chat tab snippet (note: the example below is for the AskAway practice tab)

4. Under .libraryh3lp a:hover {, add the following code: 

  • padding-bottom: 25px;

5. Click "Save" or "Apply" to save the changes

6. Test the chat tab when the service is both offline and online to make sure all the changes display as expected

Add a tooltip

You can also add a tooltip on hover-over to the chat tab (e.g. Click to chat with a research expert). Adding this requires more customized coding, so please contact the Admin Centre for support.

Example tooltip: