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1519 views | 0 Vote this question as useful. 0 Vote this question as not useful. | Last updated on Mar 26, 2024 Transcripts Statistics Session Data
This FAQ covers session data. Session data provides data on each chat session and includes the following:
To learn how to gather usage statistics, see the FAQ View and download usage statistics for your library.
View session data
1. Login to the LibraryH3lp dashboard with your LibraryH3lp admin account
2. Navigate to Chat History in the left-hand menu
3. To narrow down results for your library, you will need to conduct an Advanced Search of session data and transcripts by clicking the drop-down arrow to the right of the search bar
4. There are many options for limiting your search, but here are some ways to narrow your results that you may find helpful:
5. Most fields can be searched with the following wildcards and boolean:
6. Once you've set your search parameters, click the blue search button to retrieve results
Download session data and transcripts
1. To download session data and transcripts (after you've narrowed the list of results), click the blue "download all chats" button
2. Decide if you would like to download metadata only or the transcripts too
3. Select which data you would like to include or exclude
4. If you have chosen to download transcripts, at this step you will need to select a file type for the download. The default file type for metadata download is CSV.
5. Click and this will download a file to your local computer
6. Once downloaded, you may wish to delete any questions with the "practice" and/or "test" tags
7. You may also wish to add meaningful headings in your downloaded spreadsheet, for example: